Sunday, November 11, 2007

Describe your favorite place.

Free write for fifteen minutes on this topic. Try to include as many sensory details as possible: sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound.


David Hahn said...

My favorite place to visit is Up North near Minocqua.Every year my family and I go up north for a week to just get away. The place is beautiful, the resort we stay at is located in the middle of the forest in between 3 lakes that are connected. The sunset and sunrise up there is like nothing you would ever see down here. All you really see is a whole bunch of nature. If you love the outdoors then you would most certainly love it up there

salena said...

My favorite place to go to would be when i go on vacation. It would be California because of the beautiful sites, the trees, the weather. The weather is always nice and perfect when i go there. theres no smell but, just being outside and walking is nice. especially that all my family is there and theres everything to do.

marieanna said...

my favorite place?
one of my favorite places would have to be home. home is my favorite place for many of reasons one is that at home you get this feeling inside that you can never feel at anywhere else there's just soomething about my home that makes things that seem really extremely bad aint so bad after all when i get home and i know that when i get to this place that i will always have someone there who loves me and will be there for me . i have my mammy pappy baby sean j and g all there and there is nothing more important in this world to me than my family. where ever my family is is my home and that is my favorite place. call it what ever you want to call it but that's me and i love my family and mike.

Kyle Jones said...

My favorite place to visit is probally Lake Marry in Twin Lakes. It's my favorite place because thats where i spent most of my child hood. Everyday, we would go out on my boat and waterski. It was my favorite thing to do. In the evening, I would be back down at the lake everyday to ski for the Aquanuts. I clearly remember the smell of the water and the feeling of the hot sun on my skin. I remember the sound of the boats going around and around, and the waves crashing up on shore. Defently my favorite place.

Anonymous said...

my favorite place is Trevor WI. There is nothing to do there. But the people are cool there and thay don't care what you do as long as you don't mess with there stuff. But know there are more people moveing in and thay call the police for any reasion.

jules said...

my favorate place to be is nippersink. Nippersink is a golf coarse in the middle of nowhere. You hardly ever see a cop which makes it a pretty sweet place to party as long as you dont live next to narcs. It is peacefull and quiet and theres some good skate spots. its kind of boaring but its home.

Brittany said...

My favorite place would probably have to be my Grandma Stack’s house. My Grandma lives in Twin Lakes, her house is tan, with maple trees around it and two rose bushes in the front on each side of the walk way. On the inside it’s neat and tidy, it has two bed rooms and two bathrooms, and there is an upstairs where my uncle stays when he has his sons. Every time you walk into the house it smells so good, my Grandma is always making amazing food. Occasionally it has a smell of mothballs, personally I think it smells like old people but other than that it smells wonderful. It is so peaceful at my Grandma’s house I just love visiting her, in the summer I’ll visit and we’ll talk and watch her soap operas. I can talk to her about anything that’s pretty much why it’s my favorite place.

Madi Hovland said...

My Favorite place in the whole world is my room. I live in my basement and its pretty big. When you walk downstairs you walk into the living room part of my room; It has robins egg bluish green walls, kind of like a tiffany and co. box. It smells like candles and incents. If you walk into the room to the right thats my sanctuary, my bedroom. I have a huge comfy bed with tons of blankets and pillows with my Jim Morrison pictures all over my walls oh, and of corse the pictures of my friends and family. I have my mini fridge next to my dressers and my closet that has no door but a ty-dye shower curtan. And really thats my favirote place in the whole world.

justin byers said...

Holcomb is my favorite place in the world. Because it’s the nicest cleanest lake in Wisconsin, everytime we go out there we always catch a lot of fish. Holcomb is full of wilderness, there are huge trees. Everywhere you go you can smell the clean Wisconsin country air.