Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Process Paragraph

Write a paragraph describing a process. Use at least four to five transition phrases in this assignment.


David Hahn said...

How to make Mac N Cheese

First, boil some water in a pan, once boiled put the Mac N Cheese in the pan. Then, wait untill noodles are done put into strainer.
Thereafter, put the noodles back in the pan along with some milk and the cheese packet. Also, you can add two-three packets of american cheese singles. Finally stir all together and serve

Kyle Jones said...

How to make Osso Bucco:
First, sier off the veal in a hot pan with oil, remove when golden brown. Next saute mierplaux with garlic, lemon, rosemary, tyme, and sage. Once onions are translucent, add chablis and reduce half way. Then add tomatoe fillets and fill with veal stock. Finally cover pan and let simmer for two hours.

Jmo said...

Attending Wilmot throughout the years has been as good as it gets, however, in recent years an overwhelming change has occured. First, there is an all around acceptance of STDs, and the spreading of STDs. Second, bullys and those who lack the ability to function with people who are different then them, are prosecuted more strongly and given less leniancy. Equally important to the severe prosecution of bullying, is the outrageous price to park your car somewhere aged and used up. Yet, with all these allegations, I not only choose, but am honored to call myself a student of the MOT.

salena said...

How to Straighten your hair
well first what i do is take a shower the night before let it dry while you go to sleep. Then second i wake up finally when my hair is all nappy and dry i take my hair by sections and I straighten it and it only takes me 20 mins. if i do everything in the morning it would take me 1hr 30 mins so forth thats the fastest way for me.

Madi Hovland said...

How to Chemically Straighten Curly Hair...

First, take the hair and part it into four sections. One part from the middle of your forehead all the way to the back of your neck, and two parts starting from the top, middle of your head to the top of the ears. As a result, looking at the top of your head would look like a lower case "t". Second you pin up the hair in all the four sections. Third, you start at the top of the right back corner, and part the hair every quater inch and apply the straighting solution after ever part, leaving the solution at least a half an inch from the scalp. Finally, continue this moving counter clockwise on the sections.

justin byers said...

First,get both your pieces of bread,and the jelly and peanut butter.Then you take a butterknife and rubb the peanut butter all over one side of the bread,then rubb jelly all over the other piece.Finally you eat it.

Anonymous said...

You start by jacking the car up and removing the drain plug second you remove the oil filter third start by installing a new filter and installing the drain plug and then you are ready to fill it up with oil.

Brittany said...

How to cook bacon.
First, you get out a frying pan. Then, you turn on the oven and let the pan warm up. Next take out the bacon, open it up. Now place a few pieces of bacon in the pan, let them cook until crispy, make sure you flip then occasionally. Finally, they are done and you can eat!! mmmmm.