Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Descriptive Paragraph #2

Take some time to describe a person you will never forget: a friend, relative, neighbor, or teacher. Describe this person with such detail that a reader feels familiarity toward he/she. Include the following details: personality, appearance, and behavior.


David Hahn said...

well i have allot of people in my life that i will never forget, so it is hard to choose just one. This one person changed my life drastically and made me realize which side is really up. This person would be my friend Mikey. Mikey....well hes an outgoing person with pretty much a happy attitude. He is 5'8 athletic body type with brown eyes and curly brown hair. I have only met two girls in my life that didnt say he was cute or hot. About 6 years ago when i really became friends with him. Him and his family are pretty much the reason why where i am today. He really has been there for me whenever i needed it. Our friendship has been proved to be more powerful than anyones word of mouth. we almost ended our friendship a few years ago...but we talked about what had happened and realized it was the dumbest thing to be fighting about. I really wish the whole thing never happened because i lost a great friend in the whole thing. Mikey knows how to react in the situations he's in. He can mature in many ways but yet also act like a teenager again and can have fun. This is probably the best friend ill ever meet in my life.

marieanna said...

a man who is anything other than shy. he is very outgoing and he does not hold anything back he keeps it real. his face is like a scuptlure people always make comments about how they would love to paint his face like a portoret or something. the details of his face sometimes seems unreal the structure of his cheek bones make his face look perfect. he stands about 5'7 or 8" he has short black hair accutaly compressed down into a wave letting his fro grow back out for the winter.

justin byers said...

I will never forget my best friend Nick for Chigago. This is a kid i havent seen in about 2 years but if i saw him today it would be like I never moved away.Hes a crazy red headed Irishmen. Ever since i knew him he was always in trouble , and the reson for that is maybe because his dads a cop. Hes a very outgoing person with the best attitude whitch reflects off him to everyone in the room. Its never a dull moment with him.And you couldent miss him hes a 6,2, 200 pound curlyhaired kid with a freackeled face. His voice is uplifting and happy. And hes a great guy hes helped me and my family with alot, anything you ask of him he will give you a hand and never ask anything in return.i wish I never moved away i havent seen him in so long

salena said...

Theres this one guy that I can never forget and the person that I love. One thing would be describing how tall he's 5'8. From his head to his feet he looks all good. From his head his dark brown, short and gelled hair, on the spikey side. His eyes are dreamy and can get lost in them lol. They are a light brown. His lips are very nice, soft and beautiful. From when he talks its deep and i can pick him out from anywhere. From his jaw line to his neck is very nice to touch because its smooth except for when he doesnt shave lol. His shoulder down to his stomach is all muscle nice and tight. His stomach has the body of speed bumps. His clothes are always good beacause of the way he matches every sinlge day. He always has those shoes that can match every outfit. He even has more shoes than I do. His hands are so soft the way he can touch me on my face is very nice.

Josh said...

There was this dog,bigger then most dogs but the growl so feirce but yet so scared once what shes barking at gets close;then she gets soo scared. her hair blends in with the trees and colored leaves on the october trees,but yet little more greyness then last year. her head way bigger then a humans head,her paws as big as bearclaws.Her tail so long and crazy when she gets happy knocking everything off the coffetable as she walks past. Her yawns end like a howl. Her body so big and long when she stretches laying on her side,shes almost as tall as me.

Brittany said...

He is 19, lives in Twin Lakes. He is tall probably around 6'3", he is very slim, he's also got little muscles when he flexes it's like little rocks under his skin. He's got dirty blonde hair with lots of gray strands, he says it's hereditary, it's finger length on top then fades down the sides, it grows really fast. He dresses in ecko sometimes otherwise he wears very nice clothes from kohls. His face is slim and his cheek bones are visible, when he smiles his cheeks are plump. His eyes are an orangish yellow around the pupil then they fade into blue, sometimes they even turn green. His smile is amazing even though he has a tiny little space between his two front teeth. He has little moles or "beauty marks" on his back and stomach, and a few on his face, a dark one right above his lips on the right side of his face. When he shaves his face is smooth but his facial hair grows so fast, he looks kind of scruffy most of the time. He has an amazing personality, he is very kind, he'll do anything for others, he is also very forgiving, he doesn't hold grudges against people, he gets along with just about anyone. I love him so much, he's my boyfriend Rick.

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of people I won't forget. But all of the reasons that this guy is in my head are that he is an ass hole. He is a heavy dude with black hair. And he likes to thinks that every buddy likes him. He also thinks that he is better than you and picks fights with any one.