Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Meet Ms. Lena's class ...

Introduce yourself. Tell us who you are. What are interests, passions, goals, and dreams.


Josh said...

Fun Fun....

Jmo said...

I am Wilmot's favorite son, after four long years of partial attendance, I have returned for number five. I enjoy studying, kite flying and horse riding. When i grow up I want to be an Astronaut, so I can go higher then anyother wilmot student.


David Hahn said...

My name is David. I like to play sports mostly football and basketball. I am 17 turning 18 on the 16th. i currently dont have a job. I would like to go into a career in the trades.

Madi Hovland said...

I'm madi hovland im 17 soon to be 18 on the 21st of november. I like to snowboard, wakeboard, listen to music, and hang out with friends. I work at walmart, and in the summer i work at Marina Bay Boat Rental in Lake Geneva, driving and docking boats. Next school year i will be moving to Denver Colorado and go to Aveda Institute for cosmetology. Well I think thats about it...

marieanna said...

my name marieanna rie for short. my interests are to finish high school and go to gateway after school and get a degree into the legal system. i want to become a paralegal. my passions are alot of things i love my family to death i will do anything for the ones i love. i've always dreamed of being someone that my parents could be proud of me and tell everyone that yeah that is our daughter. i also dreamed of helping people all around the world helping the poor sick and even troubled kids & young adults. one day i dream of having a family at least two kids a boy then a girl but it really dont matter what ever god decidies to give me is fine by me. i really wish that i also will get married with the man i'm with now. but if we don't get married i want us to stay together like we already have plans to for ever. and that is a little about me.

Brittany said...

I'm Brittany Hahn, I'm 17, i'll be 18 April 3rd. I like hanging out with my boyfriend and my friends. I can't wait until graduation. i'm not sure what i'm going to do after highschool.

Jmo said...

Attending Wilmot throughout the years has been as good as it gets, however, in recent years an overwhelming change has occured. First, there is an all around acceptance of STDs, and the spreading of STDs. Second, bullys and those who lack the ability to function with people who are different then them, are prosecuted more strongly and given less leniancy. Equally important to the severe prosecution of bullying, is the outrageous price to park your car somewhere aged and used up. Yet, with all these allegations, I not only choose, but am honored to call myself a student of the MOT.

justin byers said...

I'm Justin Byers i just turned 18 on september 10th.I like to fish,and hang out with friends.I work for Haltom and assocites,building a new store in Wilmot.And thankfully i'll be done with Wilmot this year.

Kyle Jones said...

im kyle jones, im 17 years old and im a chef at grand geneva. I like to cook, waterski, snowboard, play guitar, and listen to music. im going to kendall culinary school in chichago next year. I plan that one day I will own my own resturant and be able to travel the world.

salena said...

My name is Salena i'm 17. I will be 18 in Febuary. i like to have fun and go out with my friends. After high school I plan to go to college. i currently have a job that i've been working at for 2yrs now.