Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Respond to a Post from Yesterday

First, read what your classmates wrote yesterday. Next, pick a posting that you disagree with and write about WHY you disagree with his/her point of view. Be nice.


salena said...

i can agree with Marie because she talks about metal and rap theres is a difference. Metal is screaming music and you cant understand to what they are saying. To rap you can understand their lyrics. I can also agree with Josh because he talks about metal and rap on how they alike because the background of their music rap has bass. Metal is just just loud.

David Hahn said...

Im going to have to say the exact opposite about what marie said. I believe that you can understand what people are saying in there songs...well not heavy metal just plain old alternative rock. I couldnt understand a rap song to save my life. I personally think that rap is one of the worst types of music out there. Rock it takes alot of skill to be in a band. Every band member has to hit the right note at the right time while singing. Its extremely hard to play a whole song remembering what note to hit where, if one person is off then you are pretty much done. Now real musicians if a person loses his drumstick, loses sound or anything they will play through the part of the song twice or three times so he can get back into a show. As for rap theres a beat in the background and person saying lyrics really fast. Rap, alot of it sounds like junk live or it may sound like the cd and there is no show to watch. Some of it is lip syncing. I just really am not in favor of rap really at all.

Brittany said...

I agree with justin about rock, but i disagree with him about country. It's not just a man or woman singing about sad stuff. It's stuff about their lives, the good and the bad times they went through sure some of it is sad but not all of it.

Brittany said...
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Madi Hovland said...

The two kinds of music that were compared in everyones blog was basically the same. Either country and rap, or heavy metal and rap. I can agree with basically everyone but mainly im not to picky. Its more of a personal prefrence. I like a little of everything. Really the only thing about rap I like is the beats. If it dosnt have a good beat, I wont listen to it. Because sometimes just like heavy metal you cant understand the lyrics. I guess, I just appreciate every kind of music. Alternative rock and classic oldies i love because there is always a story behind the music that everyone can relate to. Rap and R&B I love because it has that beat that makes you puped and also has some real soul and emotion attacted to it. I love metal because when you listen to it you can just rage and have a blast!! I love ska because when you hear it the first thing you have to do is smile and lastly i love Instermental/Classical because that music really takes TALENT to play and organize. Therefore, really all i'm trying to say is appreciate all music for what it brings...

Josh said...

i agree with marie because metal is much much louder n alot fo screaming. Then rap is more softer and you can actuly understand what their saying. some metal is ok thoe but i dont see the whole point of puting pure screaming and loud noises onto a cd.